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Surviving Overboard Emergencies: Tips & FAQs for Staying Alive Till Rescue

Surviving an Overboard Emergencies: Tips & FAQs for Staying Alive Till Rescue

Going overboard on a cruise ship is undoubtedly one of the most terrifying experiences. While the chances of such an event are pretty slim due to strict safety measures in place, the reality is it could happen. However, it’s essential to know that surviving such an incident is certainly not impossible. A combination of safety protocols, technology, effective response, and calmness can make the possibility of survival a reality. This guide aims to explain how.  

Person Overboard (POB), Man Overboard (MOB), and Overboard Incidents are terms you might hear when someone falls off a ship. Being prepared and understanding these terms can significantly aid in your survival. 

“Survival is not about being fearless. It’s about making a decision, not to be afraid.” – Ed Stafford

Let’s dive in to understand further some critical terminologies and scenarios related to overboard incidents: 

  • Person in the Water (PIW) refers to someone who has fallen off the vessel into the water.
  • Crew Overboard: This term is used when a crew member falls overboard
  • Overboard Emergency & RESPONSE: Following a Person, Overboard Alert refers to the immediate actions undertaken by the crew members according to their MOB Procedure.
  • Rescue at Sea, Maritime Rescue, and Water Rescue: These are broad terms covering all the operations initiated to rescue a person who has fallen overboard.
  • MOB Situation: This is when a man is overboard, and immediate rescue operations are needed.

In this article, we will answer FAQs about how to survive if you fall overboard, cruise ship protocols for such situations, and stories of individuals who have survived such harrowing experiences.

What statistics could be relevant?

While people going overboard (POB) on cruise ships is a severe concern, statistics can help us better grasp the situation and formulate effective preventive strategies.

  • Over 200 people have gone overboard from cruise ships since 2000. (Source, Colson, Hicks, Eidson.)
  • On average, 20 people go overboard from cruise ships each year. (Source, Points Guy.)
  • Only 20% of people who go overboard from cruise ships are rescued. (Source, Florida Today.)
  • The survival rate for people who go overboard from cruise ships is less than 10%. (Source, Quora.)
  • The majority of overboard incidents occur in the Caribbean and Mediterranean regions (Source.)
  • Alcohol consumption is a common factor in overboard incidents on cruise ships. (Source, Business Insider.)

Recent studies shed light on the realities of overboard emergencies and maritime rescues. 

  • Incidence rates: Statistical data reports around 22 global cruise ship overboard incidents per year. These figures include intentional jumpers, those victims of gross negligence, as well as accidental falls.
  • Survival rates: Interestingly, the survival rate of overboard incidents is approximately 20%, indicating that survival is possible, especially with immediate response and robust maritime rescue operations.
  • Response times: Statistics reveal that the average response time for a Man Overboard (MOB) incident is around 20 minutes from when the Person goes overboard to when maritime rescue services are notified and an overboard response is initiated.
  • Rescue operations: From the moment rescue operations commence, the average time taken for the Person in Water (PIW) recovery is typically around 2-3 hours. However, this can vary depending on weather conditions, visibility, and the Person’s physical condition.

These statistics highlight the crucial role of preparedness, awareness, and rapid response in influencing the outcome of overboard incidents. They underscore the importance of immediate action and the vital contribution of MOB procedures and protocols in such scenarios. 

Real-Life Stories: Inspiring Examples of Overboard Survivors

Yes, there have been reported cases of individuals surviving after going overboard on cruise ships. Each incident is unique, and survival depends on multiple factors, but it is possible with the right circumstances and immediate response.

2019 – Luke Renner – 22 Hours 

Another example is the case of Luke Renner, who fell off a cruise ship in the Gulf of Mexico in 2019. He was able to survive for 22 hours before being rescued by a passing cargo ship. Renner credited his survival to his physical fitness, his decision to swim away from the ship to avoid being pulled under, and his ability to stay afloat using his shoes as makeshift flotation devices.

While harrowing and incredibly challenging, surviving a Person Overboard (POB) situation is not a nonexistent feat. There have been numerous instances where individuals have defied the odds and come out victorious against such jarring circumstances. Their stories, filled with courage, resilience, and a sheer will to survive, serve as a test of human tenacity and survival instinct. 

2018 – Kay Longstaff, Adriatic Sea – 10 Hours

One notable example is the case of Kay Longstaff, a British woman who fell overboard from a cruise ship in the Adriatic Sea in 2018. Singing to keep her spirits up, the 46-year-old woman floated and trod water until the Croatian Coast Guard picked up a distress signal at sea. She managed to stay afloat for 10 hours before being rescued. Her survival was attributed to her swimming skills, the relatively calm sea conditions, and her ability to remain calm and conserve energy. 

Her resilience and fortitude proved crucial in turning a near-death experience into a triumphant survival story. This seafaring survivor recognized the direness of her MOB Situation and immediately took steps to conserve energy. This story reminds us that willpower can be a vital survival tool in a maritime rescue. 

2013 – A Grueling Overboard Incident: The Tale of Brett Archibald – 28 Hours

Another remarkable tale is that of Brett Archibald, who fell overboard while on a surf charter boat near the Mentawai Islands of Indonesia in 2013. He spent 28 hours adrift at sea, battling dehydration, hypothermia, stinging jellyfish, and harsh sea conditions before a strategic rescue at sea brought him to safety. 

During his potentially fatal experience, Brett remained an exemplary survivor, recalling the MOB protocol he was familiar with and employing it in real-life conditions. Even when faced with the vilest of circumstances, Brett put his faith, fortitude, and the power of his never-give-up attitude to work, proving to the world that surviving an Overboard Emergency is possible. 

These documented incidents provide invaluable lessons on the urgency of SOS (Save Our Souls) situations and the importance of staying calm, resilient, and relying on the trained crew, equipped with MOB recovery procedures and equipment. 

Even in the terrifying reality of a person in the water (PIW) situation, remember that survival is genuinely possible; it requires a measured combination of awareness, preparedness, execution, and an unerring will to live. 

Understanding Overboard Emergencies: A Comprehensive Guide to Staying Alive Until Rescue

Assessing the Overboard Emergency 

When you first find yourself in a Person Overboard (POB) situation, keep a clear head and swiftly assess your circumstances. Your heart rate might rapidly increase, making it vital to remind yourself to stay calm and conserve energy. An overboard emergency requires clear-headedness and precision in your actions. Without immediate and concise decision-making, survival may become less likely.

Reacting to a Man Overboard (MOB) Situation 

In a Man Overboard (MOB) situation, it’s crucial to remember the MOB procedure taught during the emergency evacuation drill, which is standard practice on all cruise ships. Having a working knowledge of these safety features and processes can significantly increase the chances of survival. Time plays a crucial role here; the sooner you react and follow the MOB protocol, the stronger your odds of hanging on until the crew can reach you. 

Alerting the Crew 

The duties don’t end there if you spot a crewmember overboard or a person in the water (PIW). Immediately raise the Person overboard alert. Cruise ships have dedicated overboard response teams trained to swiftly react to these situations and begin an overboard recovery operation. In such a scenario, a distress signal can guide the rescue at sea, making it essential to inform the crew with minimal delay.

MOB Recovery and Coping With Cold Water 

As you wait for the water rescue to begin, make efforts to stay afloat and conserve your energy. In such distressing situations, surviving the cold water can be challenging. However, some techniques like the Heat Escape Lessening Position or H.E.L.P. can reduce the heat loss rate from your body. This position involves bringing your knees to your chest and hugging your body. 

Role of Fellow Passengers and Crew 

Upon receiving a person overboard alert, fellow passengers are urged to act responsibly. If someone witnesses a lost overboard event, they should immediately inform the crew about the incident and assist in ways indicated by the security officer. This could be in the form of helping to spot the person in the water or standing by in case an abandoned ship situation arises. 

The Role of Maritime Rescue Services 

Should the severity of the overboard emergency call for it, maritime rescue services may be contacted. These professionals are highly trained in handling such situations and can perform extensive search operations even under adverse weather conditions. Their prompt actions and skills tend to enhance the chances of survival in an SOS (Save Our Souls) situation. 

In conclusion, surviving an overboard incident depends on your ability to stay calm and your knowledge of survival techniques, the cruise ship’s safety measures, the crew’s responsiveness, and the assistance of maritime rescue services. Remember, the essential lies in preparation, precaution, and timely action. 

Increasing Your Chances of Rescue: Factors That Can Make a Difference

Besides your ability to stay calm and tread water, there are more factors that can improve your chances in an overboard emergency. It’s important to remember that although falling overboard is scary, every action contributes to your chances of rescue and survival. 

Person Overboard Alert and MOB Signal 

When a person falls overboard, sending a Person Overboard Alert immediately becomes a primary concern. In most ships, alerting systems are in place to notify the crew of a person overboard. The MOB Signal will activate once an overboard incident is identified, alerting the crew and initiating the necessary MOB Procedure

The Crew Overboard Response 

The crew’s overboard response is also crucial to making a remarkable difference. The crew is trained to handle a MOB situation, and perform a Man Overboard Drill to ensure they are ready to swing into action in genuine Person Overboard (POB) situations. The swiftness and professionalism of their response can result in a sooner-than-later rescue. 

Use of Life-Saving Equipment 

In a Person in the Water (PIW) situation, the availability and use of proper life-saving equipment significantly enhance survival chances. Lifeboats, life jackets, and other flotation devices are part of the Emergency Evacuation equipment on every cruise ship. In an Overboard Emergency, these resources can be a lifesaver. 

The Role of Maritime Rescue Services and Rescue at Sea 

Following a distress signal at sea, maritime rescue services form the backbone of the effort to carry out water rescue operations. Once alerted, these specialized teams prepare to execute their training and proceed with MOB Recovery

Training and Preparation 

Lastly, MOB Training sessions equipping passengers and crew alike can boost survival chances and the efficacy of Overboard Recovery Operations. You should know where life-saving equipment is stored, how to use it, and the steps to take if you see another member overboard. 

Swimming Skills vs. Non-Swimmers: Survival Strategies for All

No matter your swimming ability or past experience, finding yourself as a Person in the Water (PIW) after an overboard incident is a frightening event. Understanding key survival strategies can contribute significantly to your immediate stability and long-term survival while awaiting rescue. 

Staying Calm: The First Survival Tool 

When declaring a Person Overboard (POB) or Man Overboard (MOB), one of the first and most challenging steps is remaining calm. Panic can compromise your decision-making ability, waste energy, and dramatically increase the risk of drowning. Even if you’re a strong swimmer, you must recognize that remaining calm is crucial to your survival. 

Positive Mindset and Flotation Devices: Key Survival Techniques

In the event of a Person Overboard (POB) incident, maintaining a positive mindset can be a life-saving survival technique. Never underestimate the power of positivity in such critical situations. Confidence in your swimming abilities, trust in the crew’s capacity to perform a successful Overboard Recovery Operation, and faith in the equipment can all contribute to increased survival chances. 

Utilizing Flotation Devices in MOB Situations 

In the immediate aftermath of finding yourself in the waves, look for anything that floats. Cruise ships are equipped with an array of safety equipment, including flotation devices, to aid passengers in an Overboard Emergency. Lifebuoys, life jackets, and life rafts are all designed to prevent Lost Overboard people from drowning. 

Latching onto a flotation device helps you stay buoyant in the water and renders you more visible during a Rescue at Sea situation, making it easier for the crew to locate and recover you. Knowing how to use these flotation devices is essential to the MOB Training provided on cruise ships, emphasizing the importance of participating in safety drills. 

Stay Visible during a Crewmember Overboard Situation 

Besides staying afloat, another crucial factor to consider is your visibility. The vastness of the sea can make individuals hard to spot, especially from a distance. Therefore, waving your arms, shouting, or using anything that can draw attention to yourself can increase your chances of being seen during an Overboard Response. This is especially crucial during Water Rescue situations at night when visibility may be low.

What should I do if I spot someone who has gone overboard?

Staying calm and composed while waiting for the crew to take action is essential. Avoid making sudden movements or gestures that could distract or confuse the Person in the water. By remaining calm and focused, you can assist the crew in their rescue efforts and contribute to a successful outcome. Remember, your prompt response and communication with the crew are vital in ensuring a swift and effective rescue operation for the individual who has gone overboard.

Survive Until Help Arrives: The Art of Conserving Energy 

Conserving energy is another essential survival technique during a Person in the Water (PIW) situation. The human body tends to lose heat much faster in cold water than in the air. Therefore, adopt the Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP) if a flotation device is available or the huddle-p position if multiple people exist. These positions decrease heat loss and help conserve energy until help arrives, which is essential during an emergency evacuation. 

In the face of adversity, survival requires strength, perseverance, and determination.
– Amanda Lindhout

An Overboard Incident can be terrifying, but survival is feasible if armed with the proper knowledge, tools, mindset, and training. Remember, your survival potential is amplified exponentially by swift MOB protocol actions, awareness of your surroundings, efficient usage of flotation devices, and, most importantly, the willpower to survive.

The sooner rescue and recovery efforts commence, the better your chances of surviving a MOB situation. Your ability to signal for help is vital. This might involve using a whistle, signaling light, or simply yelling for help if the ship is close. Flares and other signaling devices can be especially effective in SOS (Save Our Souls) situations. 

Understand and Execute MOB Procedures: Understanding Your Role 

MOB procedures are standard on all vessels to ensure crew and passengers know how to handle an Overboard Emergency. Understanding these procedures, including raising a Person Overboard Alert, can increase your chances of survival. Even non-swimmers can take part in a Mparticipateteteteard Drill and understand the basics of the MOB Procedure. 

While an Overboard Recovery Operation is the most desirable outcome, survival possibly involves waiting for an extended period for maritime rescue services to locate you. In such cases, having knowledge of distress signals at sea can make the difference between being found quickly or languishing in the ocean.

Surviving the Night: Challenges and Strategies for Night-time Overboard Incidents

Dealing with Overboard Emergencies at Night 

During an overboard incident, surviving the night presents some unique challenges. When a person falls overboard, the darkness can intensify anxiety and disorientation, making it difficult to remain calm and focused. However, there are life-saving strategies to bolster your chances of survival and rescue, even in these daunting circumstances. 

Understanding the Challenges of a Night-time Overboard Incident 

Visibility is the key factor that makes a night-time overboard emergency particularly formidable. The combination of darkness and the vast sea can easily disorient a person overboard (POB). Challenges associated with night-time overboard emergencies can include: 

  • The difficulty in spotting a person in the water (PIW) due to reduced visibility
  • The risk of hypothermia triggered by cold night-time temperatures
  • Increased psychological stress due to the level of darkness and isolation
  • The challenge for rescuers to locate and recover the Person due to minimized visibility

Night-time Overboard Recovery Operations 

In the event of a night-time overboard incident, the principles of the MOB protocol still apply. The Person overboard alert should be raised immediately, triggering an overboard response from the crew. Technology, including searchlights and infrared vision equipment, can aid MOB recovery operations. 

Moreover, maritime rescue services are trained to handle such emergencies. They utilize techniques and equipment specifically designed to increase the chances of successful rescue at sea, despite low-light conditions. 

The will to survive is not as important as the will to prepare to survive.
– Robert Baden-Powell

Practical Survival Tips in Night-time Overboard Situations

If you find yourself lost overboard at night, it’s crucial to remember the following: 

  • Staying calm and conserving energy is vital in a night-time MOB situation
  • Try to make yourself as visible as possible. This could be achieved by making splashes, shouting, or using a light-emitting device if available
  • Utilize any flotation devices that are available and position yourself in a way that reduces heat loss
  • Given the difficulty in eliciting an immediate response, a long-term survival strategy would include rationing energy and preparing mentally to withstand the wait for a morning rescue operation

However daunting the night may seem, remember that the temporary darkness is bound to give way to a new dawn. And with it, renewed chances for a successful water rescue.

Making Quick Decisions: The Importance of Timely Actions in Overboard Emergencies

An overboard emergency requires quick actions and timely decision-making, not only from the Person in the water (PIW) but also from the crew and fellow passengers onboard the ship. The ship’s captain, crew, and available maritime rescue services are trained to follow a swift overboard response if a Man Overboard (MOB) Protocol is triggered. 

Identifying and Responding to MOB Signals 

Effective distress signals at sea can expedite the rescue at sea process. Crew and passengers must efficiently recognize, interpret, and respond to MOB signals. This includes physical signals from the Person overboard, visual signals like markers or flares, or electronic signals triggered by the overboard incident. 

Execution of MOB Procedure 

A tight ship runs on procedures, and a MOB Situation is no exception. The MOB procedure is implemented as soon as the Person Overboard Alert is sounded. Cruise ships have a comprehensive MOB Protocol designed to maximize efficiency and minimize losses. This typically includes informing the crew, reversing the ship, launching water rescue operations, and coordinating with maritime rescue services. 

In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity for survival.
– Sun Tzu

Coordination for MOB Recovery 

MOB recovery is a team effort. The primary objective is to locate the Person in the water and pull them back to safety. A well-coordinated Overboard Recovery Operation involves communication and teamwork between the ship’s crew and the rescue services, where everyone knows their role and fulfills it. 

Training and Awareness Drills 

Periodic MOB training and man-overboard drills hold high significance in ensuring everyone onboard – crew or passenger – knows exactly what they need to do in an overboard emergency. Such drills provide first-hand experience of using life-saving equipment and familiarize passengers and crew with the ship’s evacuation plan. 

Survival can be summed up in three words – never give up.
– Bear Grylls

The Value of Swift Action in SOS Situations 

Evolving from a MOB incident to an SOS (Save Our Souls) situation means the peril has increased. Under such circumstances, every second can make a significant difference. A swift response to such distress signals can mean the difference between life and death. Expediency, in execution, is the crucial element in these emergency evacuations. 

Conclusion ICVLA Says The Chances are Slim, But Yes You Can Survive Falling Overboard

In conclusion, quick decisions and timely actions during an overboard emergency play vital roles in ensuring the survival of the Person overboard. It’s important to stay vigilant, understand the basics of survival at sea, and trust in the trained professionals’ ability to execute a successful rescue operation. If you or a loved one suffered severe injuries falling off a cruise liner, contact us, and we can offer accessible information to help you find the best lawyers and experts for your case.

Michael Ehline

Serious injury lawyer in California and Texas state.